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EEA Grants
Fund Operator
/        Implementation Unit

The project “Social integration, Youth Employment and Poverty Reduction – Skills on Demand” promotes the employment of vulnerable residents of the City of Athens through a holistic program that develops awareness, training and certification. The program also offers individualized psychosocial and professional support as well as job placement services. The main objective of the project is for recently unemployed people to find employment.

The project “Social integration, Youth Employment and Poverty Reduction-Skills on Demand” is being implemented under the program “Local Development and Poverty Reduction” of the European Economic Area (EEA Grants), by the Athens Development & Destination Management Agency S.A.

ADDMA presents “Social Inclusion, Youth Employment & Poverty Reduction – Skills on Demand” project

The Athens Development and Destination Management Agency (ADDMA) presented an innovative pilot project aiming to promote the employment of vulnerable residents of the City of Athens to representatives of Athenian...


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Develop Athens

Serafio City of Athens
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