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ADDMA and the Athens Film Office support Iris Awards 2022

ADDMA and the Athens Film Office support Iris Awards 2022

The Athens Development and Destination Management Agency (ADDMA) and the Athens Film Office supported the Iris Awards 2022.

Organized by the Hellenic Film Academy, the awards took place at the Alsos Theater in Athens, on June 8. Titled “We are love”, the event this year celebrated love and pledged to stay eternally teen, excitable and hopelessly romantic.

"The City of Athens supports Greek productions in every way possible by creating the conditions for Athens to become a film-friendly city but also by providing training opportunities and creating new jobs," said ADDMA CEO Vagelis Vlachos, who gave the "Minority Co-production" award to the films "Dog" and "Feathers".

The awards ceremony was also broadcast live via

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