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Why Athens

Why Athens

Athens is a global cultural capital that everyday proves its resilience and love for life. Athens has a big personality and many stories to tell. The city is bustling with...

Develop Athens S.A. advances the Sustainable Tourism Observatory as the City’s official Destination Management and Marketing Organization

In a recent decision by the City Council of Athens, Develop Athens S.A., the development agency of the City of Athens, has been officially designated as the Destination Management and...

Cineuropa: Athens expands its role in global film and TV with The Owl Industry Days

Cineuropa, a portal dedicated to the European audiovisual industry, has published an extensive article on The Owl Industry Days, a two-day event recently held in Athens, featuring presentations, discussions and...

Athens Neighbourhoods

Contact Details

Develop Athens

Serafio City of Athens
19, Echelidon & 144, Pireos str, 11854, Athens

+30 210 32 53 123
+30 210 52 01 611

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