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Invest in Athens Initiative

Athens offers an exceptional combination of factors, along with its significant geostrategic position and renowned cultural heritage, that draws investors’ attention from around the world. The available human capital, the on-going infrastructure improvements, the outward-looking economy, the local investment in smart technologies and innovation and the growing demand for the destination have paved the way for new businesses, new synergies and new partnerships. In order revitalize areas of great investment potential with regards to tourism, cultural and business development, the City of Athens is launching the “Invest in Athens” initiative. The aim of the initiative is to make Athens a friendly destination for investments and to establish for the creation of employment opportunities. Through the provision of a wide range of facilitation services and incentives we wish to attract an ever-growing number of investors in Athens, thus helping to boost the local economy. Invest in Athens also aims to serve as the city’s focal point for the promotion and attraction of foreign investments in Athens

Through the invest in Athens we offer advisory and support services to foreign investors throughout the process of implementation and development of their investments in the City of Athens.

More specifically we wish to offer:

  • Market research and analysis of the regulatory and competitive environment
  • Advice on establishing the company and selecting the corporate forms
  • Assisting the investor at public administration appointments
  • Provide information and available investments that can also serve as offices and industrial locations
  • Identifying applicable grants and incentives
  • Search, selection and retention of qualified personnel
  • Help in identifying local partners
  • Other specialist services tailored to the investor (List of partners to top the services- moving AV, printing etc)

Contact Details

Develop Athens

Serafio City of Athens
19, Echelidon & 144, Pireos str, 11854, Athens

+30 210 32 53 123
+30 210 52 01 611

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