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"Capacity Building of Destination Stakeholders" by ADDMA and GSTC

"Capacity Building of Destination Stakeholders" by ADDMA and GSTC

The Sustainable Tourism Industry, the Supply Chain and the Carbon Footprint were the main topics of the second webinar of the seminar series "Capacity Building of Destination Stakeholders" organized by ADDMA in collaboration with Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC). 

*The City of Athens and the Athens Development and Destination Management Agency (ADDMA) have partnered with the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) to conduct an assessment of Athens as a sustainable tourism destination. In the context of the assessment, which concludes on November 30, ADDMA in collaboration with GSTC designed a series of free webinars for professionals and organisations in tourism industry under the title "Capacity Building of Destination Stakeholders". 

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