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CEO Vlachos welcomes the 11th annual conference of the Hellenic Association of Professional Congress Organizers (HAPCO)

CEO Vlachos welcomes the 11th annual conference of the Hellenic Association of Professional Congress Organizers (HAPCO)

"Τhe City of Athens promotes investment in sustainable development and infrastucture, and is constantly evolving in order to improve the residents’ quality of life and attract visitors and investment. In addition, Athens has highly skilled tourism professionals, making it an ideal destination for business and event trips" said ADDMA CEO Vagelis Vlachos in his opening speech at the 11th annual conference of the Hellenic Association of Professional Congress Organizers-HAPCO that took place at the Divani Caravel Hotel.

Mr. Vlachos also participated in the panel "The power of collaboration." Other participants in the panel included Sofia Zaharaki, Deputy Minister of Tourism; Giannis Aslanis, President of the Thessaloniki Convention Bureau; Alexandros Vassilikos, President of the Hellenic Chamber of Hotels (HCH);
 Eirini Toli, President HAPCO & DES; Konstantinos Alexopoulos, Board Member SETE; and Nicholas Kelaiditis, Chairman of the Board, HATTA.

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