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7.7 million euros to support culture in Athens

7.7 million euros to support culture in Athens

Kostas Bakoyannis: "Our goal is to keep the city's businesses alive"

The end of this unprecedented crisis must find cultural businesses, alive and able to sustain job positions and, consequently, to support all those people who are facing the consequences of this challenging era. 

Nowadays, more than ever, we need to reinforce the cultural industry and do everything possible to close the wounds of this health, economic and social crisis. This is the reason why the City of Athens, from the very beginning, targeted, designed, and adapted its strategy with a set of supporting actions for all those who, throughout the years, empower the local economy, but also contribute to a rich social and cultural life of the city. 

With an umbrella program of 40 million euros, which was activated last November in record time, the Municipality of Athens strengthens entrepreneurship, work, tourism, and the digital future of the city. In this context, 7.7 million euros are allocated for companies operating in the culture of Athens, to support their liquidity and healthy reopening the next day.

On Thursday, January 28, the Municipality of Athens through the Development and Tourism Promotion Company (EATA) will issue the official invitation to business owners, inviting them to apply for funding. The aid will be given in the form of a non-repayable grant (working capital), provided that the conditions stated in the call are met.

In order for the interested parties to be informed about the required procedures to prepare them in time, a pre-publication of the invitation has been posted on the websites of EATA (, the Municipality of Athens ( and ELANET (www.elanet .gr).

The financing will cover working capital equal to 50% of the company's expenses in 2019, with a minimum grant amount of € 5,000 and a maximum of € 200,000. Companies that record expenses of € 10,000 and over will be able to apply. It is noted that the paid-up working capital should be spent within 2021 and the subsidized companies should remain active throughout the financial year 2021.

"It is not only our moral obligation to support the people of culture for all that they offer us. It is the goal to keep the city's businesses alive. Let us stand by them in practice so that they can stand up and do everything together as much as we can for Athens to find its rhythms again. Because Athens needs its businesses and businesses need Athens. And this crisis, we will not be able to face it if we are not close to each other and all together, in the effort to recover all that the pandemic has taken away from us. With effort and perseverance "said the Mayor of Athens, Kostas Bakoyannis.

The action entitled: "Support to companies operating in the field of culture within the boundaries of the intervention area of ​​the OHE of the Municipality of Athens" is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), under the Operational Program "ATTICA" 2014-2020 - NSRF 2014-2020.

For more information, you can contact:

At the Information Office of EFEPAE / ELANET, El. Venizelou (University) 39, T.K. 10564, Athens, (Pesmatzoglou Gallery, 7th floor), tel. 213 0166100, fax: 213 0166105, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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