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Athens strikes balance between tourism activity and sustainability

Athens strikes balance between tourism activity and sustainability

ADDMA CEO Epaminondas Mousios spoke about Athens’ strategy to balance tourism activity and sustainability in a feature recently published in the online travel news magazine PhocusWire.

Titled “Strategies destinations are using to disperse tourists”, the article focused on the multiple ways that excess visitation impacts the infrastructure, historic landmarks and natural resources of destinations, as well as on the efforts of destination management organizations (DMOs) to steer travelers to less-visited sites.

“Last year, Athens welcomed nearly as many visitors as in 2019 and increased overall revenue”, Mr Mousios said. “ All the while, the city seeks to strike a balance between ‘the benefits and impacts of tourism’ while working to reduce carbon emissions 61% by 2030”, he added.

Read the full article here.

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Athens Development and

Destination Management Agency


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